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- May 1990
- By
- John Gales Sauls
- Special Agent
- and
- Legal Instructor
- FBI Academy
- Suppose a police officer, executing a search warrant
- authorizing the seizure of cocaine, is searching a residence in
- his jurisdiction. As the search proceeds, an outbuilding is
- discovered at the rear edge of the residence's backyard. The
- officer ponders whether he may search the outbuilding under the
- authority of the warrant he is executing.
- Across town, another officer is conducting an unrelated
- surveillance of a drug trafficker. He follows the suspect to a
- residence that the suspect enters. The suspect and the resident
- of the house, who is unknown to the police, are heard talking on
- a fenced patio behind the house. If the officer crawls into the
- bushes at the side edge of the residence's lawn, he will be able
- to see the men on the patio without revealing his presence. He
- wonders whether such an entry will be lawful.
- These officers are grappling with the concept of curtilage.
- The first officer needs to determine whether the outbuilding is
- within the curtilage of the residence and therefore within the
- scope of the search warrant. The second officer needs to
- determine whether the bushes he is considering crawling into are
- within the curtilage of the residence, and if so, whether his
- contemplated entry is a lawful one.
- This article will discuss curtilage. It will first discuss
- the legal standards used in defining the physical limits of
- curtilage. Then, it will examine protections associated with
- curtilage and the limitations placed upon law enforcement
- officers by these protections. Finally, it will set forth
- guidelines that may be used by officers who need to determine the
- boundaries of a particular residence's curtilage so as to
- restrict their actions to those allowed under the Constitution.
- As the U.S. Supreme Court noted in United States v. Dunn, (1)
- curtilage is the area immediately surrounding a residence that
- ``harbors the `intimate activity associated with the sanctity of
- a man's home and the privacies of life.''' (2) Curtilage, like a
- house, is protected under the fourth amendment from
- ``unreasonable searches and seizures.'' (3) Determining the
- boundaries of curtilage, however, is considerably more
- problematic than fixing the limits of a house.
- In Dunn, the Court identified four factors that should be
- considered when determining the extent of a home's curtilage:
- 1) The distance from the home to the place claimed to be
- curtilage (the nearer the area to the home, the more likely that
- it will be found to lie within the curtilage);
- 2) Whether the area claimed to be curtilage is included
- within an enclosure surrounding the home (inclusion within a
- common enclosure will make it more likely that a particular area
- is part of the curtilage);
- 3) The nature of use to which the area is put (if it is the
- site of domestic activities, it is more likely to be a part of
- the curtilage); and
- 4) The steps taken by the resident to protect the area from
- observation by people passing by (areas screened from the view
- are more likely a portion of the curtilage).
- The Court urged the use of these four factors as a guide in
- assessing whether the ``area in question is so intimately tied to
- the home itself that it should be placed under the home's
- `umbrella' of Fourth Amendment protection.'' (4)
- Since the Court in Dunn held that the area in question in
- that case was outside the curtilage, no guidance was provided
- regarding what protections the fourth amendment provides to
- curtilage. Fortunately, other U.S. Supreme Court and lower court
- decisions have delineated these protections in some detail.
- Application of the Fourth Amendment
- The fourth amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects the
- ``right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses,
- papers and effects against unreasonable searches and
- seizures....'' (5) As earlier noted, this protection extends to
- the area surrounding a residence that is known as curtilage. (6)
- Often, the area outside the curtilage is properly classified as
- ``open fields'' and is subject to no fourth amendment
- protection. (7)
- Whether a particular action in relation to the curtilage is
- controlled by the fourth amendment depends on whether the action
- constitutes a ``search or seizure'' for fourth amendment
- purposes. If the action is a search or seizure, officers are
- generally required to obtain a warrant prior to conducting the
- search or seizure, or to justify a warrantless action by
- demonstrating that it was lawful under one of the exceptions to
- the fourth amendment warrant requirement. (8) If no search or
- seizure is involved, the fourth amendment will not apply, and it
- is unnecessary for an officer to factually justify his actions. (9)
- A search, for fourth amendment purposes, occurs when
- government action intrudes into a person's ``reasonable
- expectation of privacy.'' (10) As will be hereafter discussed,
- assessing whether a particular action by the government intrudes
- into a person's ``reasonable expectation of privacy'' is a
- critical component in the determination of what law enforcement
- officers may lawfully do in and around curtilage.
- Examination of the Curtilage from a Point Outside
- An officer, positioned in a place where he has a right to be
- outside the curtilage of a residence, may generally look into the
- curtilage without performing a ``search.'' This is true because
- the officer is observing nothing more than any other member of
- the public might see from the same viewpoint, and ``[w]hat a
- person knowingly exposes to the public, even in his own home or
- office, is not subject to Fourth Amendment protection.'' (11) For
- example, when agents of the Internal Revenue Service hid in a
- cornfield adjacent to a residence's backyard and observed illicit
- whiskey transactions therein, their actions did not constitute a
- search, even though the backyard was clearly part of the
- curtilage. (12)
- Where necessary, an officer may take steps to improve his
- view without his actions constituting a search, so long as he
- does nothing that might not be done by some other ordinarily
- curious member of the public. Standing on a rock in order to see
- over a 6-foot fence, for example, has been held not to constitute
- a search since the resident ``...had reasonably to expect that
- his neighbors might glance into his backyard....'' (13) Similarly,
- when officers saw marijuana plants growing in a person's
- backyard, by standing on tiptoes on a neighbor's back porch to
- look over the person's 6-foot high stake fence that was
- overgrown by vines and bushes, they did not conduct a search. (14)
- Use of an airplane or helicopter flying in lawful airspace
- as a platform to view what a person has exposed, in his
- curtilage, to air view will also not constitute a search. (15) When
- the officer is observing nothing more than some other member of
- the public flying over the residence might see, those
- observations are not intruding into any expectation of privacy
- that society is willing to recognize as reasonable. (16)
- Consequently, the viewing is not a search. (17)
- Similarly, use of devices that optically or mechanically
- enhance an officer's view into curtilage does not constitute a
- search as long as the device does not reveal significant details
- that could not be viewed from a closer public vantage point. For
- example, officers who concealed the existence of their
- surveillance by hiding in woods and using binoculars and a
- spotting scope to observe the yard, garage, barn and exterior of
- a rural home were not conducting a search since these things were
- also visible from a public highway closer to the house. (18) In
- another case, officers used a telephoto lens while on a
- helicopter overflight to photograph a barn adjacent to a
- suspect's rural home and thereby observed a newly constructed
- addition to the barn and unusually wide tire tracks leading to
- the barn. These actions were held not to constitute a search
- since the things observed could have been seen with the naked eye
- during a closer, lawful overflight. (19)
- However, use of sophisticated devices to enhance the
- officers' observation powers to reveal things not visible with
- the naked eye from some lawful vantage point will likely
- constitute a search. Thus, when police used a 600-millimeter
- camera lens from a distance of 100 yards (the nearest point the
- officers had a right to be) to glimpse through the fan louvers of
- an opaque greenhouse surrounded by brush and two fences, their
- observations of marijuana plants were held to be a search. (20)
- Therefore, if the use of enhancement devices is contemplated
- during a surveillance, absent emergency circumstances, a valid
- search warrant should be obtained prior to its institution.
- The information that officers gather by seeing what has been
- placed in the view of the public may be used as component facts
- of probable cause to search or arrest. However, mere possession
- of facts amounting to probable cause will not necessarily justify
- further warrantless action by the officers. As will be
- discussed, absent the applicability of some recognized exception
- to the warrant requirement, a search warrant may be required
- before officers enter curtilage and seize evidence.
- Entry into Curtilage
- Determining whether an entry into curtilage by law
- enforcement officers constitutes a search or seizure for fourth
- amendment purposes necessitates a second ``reasonable expectation
- of privacy'' analysis. While citizens may have no reasonable
- expectation that police officers will not look into their
- curtilage from vantage points where the officers have a right to
- be, they may reasonably expect that the same officers will not
- enter their curtilage.
- In United States v. Whaley, (21) a deputy sheriff driving
- along a road crossing an 11,000-acre farm saw what he thought to
- be marijuana growing adjacent to a house that was near the road.
- The deputy later entered the property and seized the marijuana
- plants without first obtaining a warrant. The seizure of the
- marijuana plants was held to be illegal. Even though the
- deputy's view of the plants from the road was not a search, his
- entry onto the property to seize the plants was an intrusion into
- the curtilage. Since no emergency had been shown to exist, and
- no other exception to the warrant requirement was apparently
- applicable, the court ruled the warrantless entry and seizure
- violated the fourth amendment.
- All warrantless entries into curtilage do not, however,
- violate the fourth amendment. In assessing the constitutionality
- of an entry, courts look to the nature of the particular area
- entered to assess whether the entry intruded into some reasonable
- expectation of privacy. In that regard, areas of the curtilage,
- such as walkways and driveways, that members of the public would
- be expected to enter are not private. As one court expressed,
- ``In conducting a criminal investigation, a police officer may
- enter those residential areas that are expressly or impliedly
- held open to casual visitors.'' (22) Officers may generally enter
- access areas of the residence's curtilage without a warrant
- since it is reasonable to expect members of the public, such as
- neighbors and salespersons, to enter such areas. The court
- noted, ``If one has a reasonable expectation that various members
- of society may enter the property in their personal or business
- pursuits, he should find it equally likely that the police will
- do so.'' (23)
- In United States v. Smith, (24) for example, an officer drove
- into the driveway of the defendant's 70-acre farm and saw from
- his car a large marijuana plant growing beside the house.
- Although there was a wire fence along the highway, the court in
- holding that no search had occurred noted that the driveway was
- unobstructed, and that it was not reasonable to expect that
- members of the public wouldn't drive in.
- In United States v. Roberts, (25) an officer drove into a road
- marked ``private'' that the defendant shared with other neighbors
- and walked up to the defendant's front door. His view of
- evidence from that point was held not to be the product of a
- search. An unobstructed driveway or sidewalk carries with it an
- implied invitation to both neighbors and the police.
- Officers may also deviate somewhat from the straight path to
- the front door. In United States v. Johnson, (26) officers stepped
- 2 or 3 feet off the sidewalk leading to the front door of an
- urban residence and thereby gained a view into the lighted
- basement through an uncurtained window. Their view of drugs
- being packaged in the basement was held not to be the product of
- a search.
- However, entry by officers into private areas of curtilage
- will constitute an intrusion into fourth amendment rights. In
- United States v. Van Dyke, (27) officers began a surveillance of a
- rural home from a neighbor's property. As darkness fell the
- officers moved in closer to obtain a better vantage point. ``The
- officers walked through trees growing along the boundary between
- the two properties, climbed a fence, and moved 15 feet beyond the
- fence to a location 150 feet from the residence. There they lay
- down in a patch of honeysuckle bordering the mowed lawn.'' (28)
- Although quite distant from the house, this area was held to be
- within the curtilage in part due to its proximity to the large,
- manicured lawn. This entry into curtilage was held to constitute
- a search, and the information obtained from surveillance at this
- location was suppressed.
- Searches Made Pursuant to a Search Warrant
- Officers executing a search warrant that authorizes them to
- search a residence for evidence of crime have authority to enter
- the curtilage area in order to gain access to the residence. But
- that is not the end of their powers under the search warrant.
- Many warrants include a specific authorization to search the
- curtilage and any outbuildings therein. Even without this
- specific authorization, officers may, pursuant to the warrant,
- search portions of the curtilage that might conceal the evidence
- they are empowered to seize. (29) This is because the ``...word
- `premises' in a search warrant includes the land, the buildings,
- and the appurtenances thereto.'' (30) Thus, in United States v.
- Griffin, (31) a warrant that described a residence as ``premises
- known as'' followed by the street address and a description of
- the house gave authority to search and seize soil and rock in the
- backyard, the contents of a tool shed and the contents of an
- automobile parked in the driveway.
- An officer who knows prior to applying for a search warrant
- that there are outbuildings or automobiles on the premises to be
- searched should seek a warrant that includes a specific
- authorization to search the curtilage, outbuildings and
- automobiles. (32) This is especially true where defendants might
- claim that the outbuildings are separate residences. (33) However,
- where the warrant merely authorizes the search of specified
- ``premises,'' officers should understand this to include the
- curtilage and outbuildings (that are clearly not other
- residences) located therein. (34)
- Three circumstances have been identified where the concept
- of curtilage has legal significance to police officers. First,
- where officers contemplate observing an area from a lawful
- vantage point using a device to enhance their senses to an extent
- that they will be able to observe details not visible with the
- naked eye from any other lawful vantage point, the officers must
- determine whether the area is part of a residence's curtilage.
- This is because if the area is curtilage their enhanced viewing
- is likely a search under the fourth amendment, and absent
- emergency circumstances, a search warrant is required in order
- for their viewing to be lawful.
- Second, when contemplating entering areas near a residence
- that are not access areas or that are access areas with public
- access either blocked or discouraged in a significant way, (35)
- officers should determine whether the area to be entered is
- within the curtilage. Again, if the area is part of the
- curtilage, the officers should, absent emergency circumstances,
- seek a search warrant before making the entry. The second
- officer mentioned in the beginning of this article is faced with
- such a circumstance. The bushes he is contemplating crawling
- into are likely within a nonaccess portion of the curtilage, and
- the officer would need a warrant in order to lawfully view his
- suspect from that location.
- Finally, officers executing search warrants, such as the
- first officer mentioned in the beginning of this article, need to
- determine the bounds of the curtilage when contemplating the
- search of a structure arguably beyond the curtilage. The same
- holds true when they encounter what is likely a separate dwelling
- not specified as a place to be searched in the search warrant.
- The search of separate dwellings and structures beyond the
- curtilage will require seeking additional warrants specifically
- directing the search of those structures.
- Where a determination regarding curtilage is required,
- officers should make a common sense assessment using the factors
- set forth in the Dunn decision: (1) The distance of the area
- from the residence; (2) whether the area is included with the
- residence in a common enclosure; (3) the nature of the use of
- the area; and (4) what steps the resident has taken to screen the
- view of the area. If the area in question is very close to the
- residence, that fact alone will likely cause the area to
- constitute curtilage. If the area is farther away, the other
- factors will also be of significance. In a close case, it is
- recommended that officers seek a search warrant prior to acting.
- This will serve as a safeguard that the officers' actions are
- within the bounds of Constitutional constraints.
- (1) 480 U.S. 294 (1987).
- (2) Id., at 300 (quoting Oliver v. United States, 466 U.S.
- 170, 180 (1984) [internal quotation marks omitted]).
- (3) United States v. Dunn, supra note 1; United States v.
- Oliver, supra note 2.
- (4) United States v. Dunn, supra note 1, at 301.
- (5) U.S. Const. Amend. IV.
- (6) See Oliver v. United States, supra note 2.
- (7) Id. The ``open fields'' doctrine is not limited to rural
- settings, but can also include undeveloped urban property. See
- State v. Stavricos, 506 S.W.2d 51 (Mo. App. 1974).
- (8) Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347 (1967).
- (9) Id. See also, United States v. Jacobsen, 104 S.Ct. 1652
- (1984).
- (10) Id.
- (11) Katz v. United States, supra note 8, at 351.
- (12) United States v. Campbell, 395 F.2d 848 (4th Cir. 1968),
- cert. denied, 393 U.S. 834 (1968).
- (13) State v. Corra, 745 P.2d 786, 788 (Or. App. 1987), review
- denied, 752 P.2d 842 (Or. 1988).
- (14) United States v. McMillon, 418 F.2d 1150 (D.C. Cir.1969).
- (15) California v. Ciraolo, 476 U.S. 207 (1986); Florida v.
- Riley, 109 S.Ct. 693 (1989). See also, United States v.
- Broadhurst, 805 F.2d 849 (9th Cir. 1986). As noted in State v.
- Bridges, 513 A.2d 1365 (Me. 1986), the means used to gather the
- information will not be relevant as long as what was observed
- could have been seen from a legitimate, public vantage point.
- (16) Id.
- (17) Id.
- (18) United States v. Lace, 669 F.2d 46 (2d Cir. 1982), cert.
- denied, 459 U.S. 854 (1982).
- (19) United States v. Allen, 675 F.2d 1373 (9th Cir. 1980),
- cert. denied, 102 S.Ct. 133 (1981).
- (20) Wheeler v. State, 659 S.W.2d 381 (Tex. Crim. App. 1983).
- See also, United States v. Taborda, 635 F.2d 131 (2d Cir. 1980);
- United States v. Cuevas-Sanchez, 821 F.2d 248 (5th Cir. 1987).
- In Cuevas-Sanchez, the court in dicta indicated that the use of a
- video camera to obtain a full-time view of the defendant's
- backyard (which was fenced but visible to a number of his
- neighbors) constituted a search due to the pervasive nature of
- the surveillance. The reasoning that it is reasonable to expect
- that persons will not gaze constantly into one's backyard but
- unreasonable to expect that persons will not look occasionally
- seems significantly flawed. A place is either open to public
- view or it's not. The court was not required to decide the issue
- in Cuevas-Sanchez since the officers in that case got prior
- judicial authorization to conduct the video surveillance.
- Consequently, their actions would have been reasonable for fourth
- amendment purposes even if the video surveillance had constituted
- a search.
- (21) 781 F.2d 417 (5th Cir. 1986).
- (22) People v. Shorty, 731 P.2d 679, 682 (Colo. 1987). See
- also, United States v. Ventling, 678 F.2d 63 (8th Cir. 1982)
- (officer drove into driveway and walked to front door, observing
- evidence); United States v. Kramer, 711 F.2d 789 (7th Cir.
- 1983), cert. denied, 104 S.Ct. 397 (1983) (officers removed
- trash bags which were just inside a knee-high chain fence
- running along street curb 30 feet from front of house); United
- States v. Reed, 733 F.2d 492 (8th Cir. 1984) (officer entered
- fenced back parking lot of commercial establishment through open
- gate). Cf. Maryland v. Macon, 472 U.S. 463 (1985) (detective in
- plain clothes entered book store, which was open to the public,
- and purchased magazine later used as evidence.
- (23) State v. Corbett, 516 P.2d 487, 490 (Or. App. 1973).
- (24) 783 F.2d 648 (6th Cir. 1986).
- (25) 747 F.2d 537 (9th Cir. 1984).
- (26) 561 F.2d 832 (D.C. Cir. 1977), <MI>cert. denied, 432 U.S.
- 907 (1977).
- (27) 643 F.2d 992 (4th Cir. 1981).
- (28) Id. at 993.
- (29) See United States v. Bonner, 808 F.2d 864 (1st Cir. 1986),
- cert. denied, 107 S.Ct. 1632 (1987) (detached garage included in
- term ``premises'' for purposes of describing the place to be
- searched); United States v. Penn, 647 F.2d 876 (9th Cir. 1980),
- cert. denied 449 U.S. 903 (1980) (warrant describing residential
- premises included the residence's yard).
- (30) State v. Trujillo, 624 P.2d 44 (N.M. 1981).
- (31) 827 F.2d 1108 (7th Cir. 1987).
- (32) See United States v. Percival, 756 F.2d 600 (7th Cir.
- 1985) (approving of a search of a suitcase in the trunk of a car
- parked in a detached garage during the execution of a search
- warrant authorizing the search of the residential premises, but
- noting that the ``better practice'' would be to specifically
- include the car in the warrant where possible).
- (33) See United States v. Frazin, 780 F.2d 1461 (9th Cir.
- 1986), cert. denied sub. nom. Miller v. United States, 107 S.Ct.
- 142 (1986) (noting the outer limits of authorization of search
- based upon curtilage, stating ``[w]e have upheld searches of all
- the property at a listed street address under warrants that
- recite probable cause as to only a portion of the premises where
- a multiunit building or collection of separate buildings is used
- as a single entity, where the defendant is in control of the
- whole premises, or where the entire premises is suspect.'');
- accord, United States v. Alexander, 761 F.2d 1294 (9th Cir.
- 1985) (approving the search of a house trailer located on a
- ranch pursuant to a warrant authorizing a search of the entire
- ranch); United States v. Whitten, 706 F.2d 1000 (9th Cir. 1983),
- cert. denied, 465 U.S. 1100 (1984) (approving the search of a
- large stucco house where the house and the adjacent cottage
- where the probable cause statement indicated the illegal
- activity was occurring shared the same street address and were
- occupied in common by the defendants).
- (34) United States v. Long, 449 F.2d 288 (8th Cir. 1971),
- cert. denied, 405 U.S. 974 (1972); United States v. Asselin, 775
- F.2d 445 (1st Cir. 1985) (which notes that a defendant is often
- placed in a ``no win'' situation where the area in question is
- either within the curtilage and thus within the warrant's
- authorization, or in an ``open field,'' thus requiring no
- warrant).
- (35) It is noteworthy that fences and ``no trespassing'' signs
- are not a barrier to an officer's entry into ``open fields.''
- See Oliver v. United States, supra note 2; United States v.
- Dunn, supra note 1.
- ____________
- Law enforcement officers of other than Federal jurisdiction
- who are interested in this article should consult their legal
- adviser. Some police procedures ruled permissible under Federal
- constitutional law are of questionable legality under State law
- or are not permitted at all.